Friday, May 15, 2009

Hinds' feet on high places

There are only three instances in Scripture where this phrase appears - 'he makes (or has made) my feet as hinds' feet' - 2 Samuel 22:34; Psalm 18:33 and Habakkuk 3:19. I wonder what the odds are of doing two separate studies, started at different times, having lessons that incorporate these references fall during the same week? In week 10 of Kay Arthur's "Lord, Where are You When Bad Things Happen," the theme is Habakkuk 3:19. In a Precept upon Precept study of 2 Samuel, lesson 6, references both the Samuel passage and Psalm 18. I am not a brilliant mathematical mind, but I would guess that the odds are staggering.

Did I know that these passages would all converge on the same week when I started these studies? No. Did the God who is on His throne in His holy temple know? You bet He did. He also knew that my husband and I would be at a very precarious spot in the sale of our home during one of the worst economies in recent years. If ever there were a time when I needed to hear the truths of these lessons - it is now. I can't wait to see what God will teach me through this time!

This is what never ceases to amaze me about studying the Word of God. No matter what I am studying, no matter which portion of Scripture, no matter what is going on in my life - it is relevant, it is awe-inspiring, it brings me to my knees in gratitude that God would provide such wisdom and knowledge for us to hang on to.

On a recent visit to my daughter in San Diego we visited the world famous zoo and saw an unusual animal called a 'Klipspringer' whose uniquely shaped hooves made it easy to climb in treacherous terrain, to higher ground, avoiding dangerous predators. This is the picture I have in my mind as I begin these lessons. Knowing the lives' of David and Habakkuk, each one faced enemies and circumstances that seemed threating at every turn - how could they possibly feel the safety that being in a 'high place' afforded? Did they know the secrets of the Klipspringer's flexible hooves that adapt to rocky terrain?

Will I be able to feel that kind of peace as the second of two deadlines passes without closing papers being signed and our bank accounts are dwindling? I must admit it seems difficult right now. I have cried out to God as Habukkuk did, wondering 'How long, O Lord . . .?' My prayer is like that of the Psalmist "My soul cleaves to the dust; revive me according to Your word." (Ps. 119:25) I do believe He will meet me where I am at and I can't wait to share it all with you next week!

For reflection:

Read Habakkuk 3:17-19

God had told Habakkuk to warn Judah of the coming judgment that He was sending at the hands of the Chaldeans - a 'fierce and impetuous people' known for their violent practice and idolatrous ways. One of the consequences of Judah's own idolatrous attitudes would be famine and desolation to the land. Apparently even godly people, such as Habakkuk would feel the effects of it.

Doesn't this sound like what is going on with our nation's economy right now? Matthew 5:45 says, "He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." Even godly people whose ways are pleasing to the Lord have been affected by the questionable practices that led up to the events of our crumbling economy.

But how does Habakkuk respond to the impending calamity that is to fall on the people? Does he run away with his hands flailing in the air, or curl up in a fetal position with the covers over his head?

If you read verse 16, you will notice that he does express his weakness, his distress at knowing what is coming, but in verse 18 he says what we must all come to . . . "Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord God (YHWH - I AM) is my strength, and He has made my feet like hinds' feet, And makes me walk on my high places." It's a process but I am coming there too. When I reach those high places, will I find you there too? I hope so!

On my hinds' feet,

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